Embracing Wisdom

Leonie Wolff

Sunrise Kaua’i

Personal, Group & Retreat Facilitation

Mushroom Wellness

Women’s Retreat

Watch for Fall 2024 dates!!

Portland, Oregon

“I came to this retreat thinking I was going to learn about holistic nursing. I am leaving knowing so much more about myself and remembering why I love being a nurse!”

~ Susan RN. participant in ‘Embracing The Wisdom of Nursing’

“I felt so alone, and now I am with all these beautiful women who understand. I have been able to share things I couldn’t say to anyone. Thank you Leonie, I feel like now I can go home and figure out how to live without him.”

~ Claire, a participant in ‘Passionate Sadness’ a retreat for widows.

The above photo was taken the last morning of a 3 day retreat for women living with cancer. The stories are theirs to tell… Yet as the facilitator, I will say… I know the profound resiliency of the human Heart & Spirit!

Together in Circle… Heart to Hand to Hand to Heart…

Mushroom Wellness Retreats

Health Professionals Retreat

October 21 ~ 23, 2024

Portland, Oregon

‘I can be changed by what happens to me… I refuse to be reduced by it.’

~ Maya Angelou

I am a facilitator… I can Be-With you and Ease-Your-Way.

I offer a safe space for your vulnerability to be witnessed and will assist you to more deeply cultivate resiliency.

I invite you to seek the voice of your own inherent Wisdom and to remember the sacred rhythm of your own magnificent HeartBeat!

Take a walk with me… Lets go exploring!

Leonie Wolff RN

  • Why do I call myself a ‘facilitator’ and not a coach or teacher? I once had a wonderful mentor who would often say: “Lets see what Websters Dictionary has to say about that.” Per Websters the definition of ‘facilitate' is: To make (something) easier. To help bring (something) about. To help (something) run more smoothly.

    You arrive at my side with your own lifetime of experience, resiliency and paths walked. Your own inherent wisdom. Yet at times your path is difficult and confusing. You may have lost your Way. You are here seeking… Something.

    I offer a safe space, seeds of thought, reflection and a listening ear. To be with you as you move through. When you have lost it… I have confidence in you. I am here to Ease-Your-Way.

    Let’s walk together for awhile…

  • In 2022 Oregon became the first state to legalize the therapeutic and wellness use of psilocybin mushrooms within a facilitated framework. Central to this framework is safety and informed consent.

    I am one of the first few hundred people in the country to hold a license to facilitate clients on a psychedelic journey with psilocybin.

    A facilitated experience with these sacred gifts from The Earth can offer profound shifts in well being…

    Click Here to Learn More

  • I am available for facilitation with or without a psilocybin mushroom journey. This includes personal (1:1), groups of 3 or more and any program can be offered as a retreat. Almost all of my services can be offered online. I also have a beautiful space to gather for personal and groups in Portland, OR.

    Scheduling a few personal or group sessions is also an excellent way to experience what I offer before making a decision about psilocybin mushrooms. For more information about psilocybin services in Oregon: Click Here. (You do not have to be an OR resident)

    Do you have a group that you would like to explore receiving any services with? Are you a retreat or program coordinator who would like to explore the potential to add a legal psilocybin component to what you already offer? Contact me and lets begin a conversation.

    All of what I offer begins with a conversation at no cost. Send an email from ‘contact’ at the top of the page and lets chat… What are you seeking? What does your Heart desire? How may I be of service?

Women and The Seasons & Cycles of a Lifetime

Areas of Focus

Grief, Loss & The Difficult Paths

A Journey Through The Heart & Spirit of Being a Nurse

Leonie Wolff

Wise Woman Elder

Integrative Registered Nurse

Oregon State Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator

The Oregon Coast

South Point. Hawai’i Island

The Sacred Banyan. Kadavul Temple, Kaua’i

Kaua’i Rain


Explore Embracing Wisdom and you will get a feel for what I offer. I trust you will know if working together feels right to you.

If you would like to take a first step… Contact me with a bit of your story. What are you seeking? What inspires you? What is your pain? What is your joy? I will respond with an offer to schedule a call without cost or obligation.

Blessings Way on Your Journey…

I am honored and inspired to create and co-facilitate with a remarkable circle of colleagues! Are you interested in collaborating? Contact me and lets share a conversation.

Sunset Oregon Coast

Photography on this site is by Leonie